Monday 3 November 2014

Mozilla Community Uganda Holds A Small Localization Sprint

Ever since we started to focus on impact and quality, I have come to like small events. I don’t mean to say that big events are that not good. But I have come to appreciate the beauty of small events because of the face to face interaction you get with the participants.

Last weekend on Saturday, we had a two hour session localization sprint organized by Denish Mofire our Lead for Localization in our community. The event was held at Gobal Business Labs on the Sixth floor of the College of Computing and Information Sciences Makerere University. 

We were seven in number and at the start of the event, I had the opportunity to talk to three young guys all students of Computer Science about Mozilla, it’s projects, opportunities within the community and how to get started contributing within the community. I found this fulfilling since am the Lead for Community Building in our community.

The three students then got in touch with Denish who took them through the tools that are required for one to get started with translation. Interestingly, all the participants looked at Lunyakole language for translation which is one of the local dialect spoken by people in western Uganda.

I liked the nature of this event because of the interactions we had with all these participants. Because we were few in number, communication was clear, fun and we bonded so well with them over coffee and a few small snacks!:)

Infact they got excited and enthusiastic about Mozilla and the Localization tools that we can only wait and follow them up to see how far they will go with the translation work.

This being my first Mini event that I have attended within the community, and now that Mozilla is focusing on creating impact and quality, I don’t doubt that if we continue to hold such small mini events that this is going to greatly help us in creating impact as well as improve the quality of our contributors within the community. I can’t wait to attend our next small Localization meet up next month!  

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